The Rep Company

12th May 2012

“I wouldn’t say no to a Mars bar...”

Well, devising for Edinburgh has officially begun! It’s all very exciting stuff but the dawning reality of what we’ve signed up for is becoming ever apparent. Due to the way that the Edinburgh Festival works we have had to submit the details of the piece before we actually know what we’re taking up. Now before you start thinking, “Oh dear Jack, you lot obviously don’t know what you’re doing.” I must explain that if time had allowed us to plan ahead then obviously we would’ve done, but as is the way, we weren’t blessed with spare time.

As a starting point to the devising process we were all asked to keep a record of any thoughts that we had through the process as we could then use them as stimuli for improvisation. At first I think it was a bit strange as you just find yourself asking yourself, “I wouldn’t say no to a Mars bar. Is that a ‘thought’ or is a load of nonsense?” However, by reading through everybody’s thoughts week by week it is clear that everything is a potential starting point. Another thing that we’ve introduced into devising sessions is trust exercises. This was personally something that I’ve never really done as part of a devising session – I’d never thought that they could contribute an awful lot to the process. However, during the session I did feel a bond develop between the cast.

The hardest bit of devising is coming up with that original or direction. As a group we explored, through the use of props, different concepts to do with impulses, normality and the mind. So, our task over the next few weeks is to form these separate ideas into a fully functional Edinburgh piece! Let’s see how that goes.

Jack Bowtell

The Rep Company is year long audition company made up some of older young people.  The group work together and create new work.  In the summer, 10 young people are taking part in a trip to the Edinburgh Fringe. The company is made up of those who want to act, as well as those who want to direct and those who write. The next audition for the Rep Company is Tuesday 20th September, 2011 at 7:30pm  For further details, ring 01282 427767 and ask for Mandy Precious
