News from the Participant Reps...
A bit different this time! Last week I interviewed one of the Burnley Youth Theatre’s most prominent driving forces, Ollie Daley! Here’s how it went.
Jack: Now Ollie, I must warn you, I’m going to start off with some rather piercing and pertinent questions. You are quite welcome to say ‘pass’ if things become too much for you. Sound ok?
Ollie: Yeah, ok?
Jack: Ok doke then. So Ollie, potatoes: mash, chips, boiled, roast or jacket?
Ollie: Chips!
Jack: An excellent choice! Now, question two. Do you have any pets? If so, have they got names? If not, then, what have you got against pets?
Ollie: A dog, Welsh fox terrier that sadly died two weeks ago.
Jack: Ah, very sorry to hear that. However, to brighten the mood once more, onto question three! What is your favourite theatre related (but doesn't have to be really) quote?
Ollie: It would be from the musical ‘Wicked’ and its: “I have been changed for good”
Jack: Excellent. Right down to the gritty stuff. You are a Participant Rep, everyone knows that but, what exactly is a Participant Rep?
Ollie: I always see Participant Reps as a youth council for Burnley Youth Theatre, they organise fund raising events, organise trips and talk about issues affecting the theatre.
Jack: You mentioned events just then? What events have been organised by the Participant Reps in the past few weeks and how successful have they been? Now that sounds a serious question!
Ollie: Haha, it’s ok. We organised a band night and a trip to Bolton Octagon to watch Macbeth. The band night was a great success and will happen again in the near future, so watch out!
Jack: Looking forward to that, so what have you got planned for the rest of the term?
Ollie: As the term draws to a close, no events have been planned. However, next term there will be loads of stuff happening as we’re currently in talks.
Jack: Great stuff, right, final question. Can other people get involved in the Participant Reps? If so, how?
Ollie: Yes they can. Anybody can pick up an application form from us or at the reception.
Jack: Thanks a lot Ollie!
Ollie: Cheers.
Jack Bowtell
If you are interested in being a Participant Rep, you will need to ring Karen Barnes on 01282 427767
This page will be updated by the Participant Reps on a regular basis.