Monday, 31 October 2011

TRAPPED - AUDITIONS - Tuesday @ 1st November, 2011

Bring your little brothers and little sisters!  Bring your grandchildren and children - this is a new piece for children in school years 2,3,4,5 and 6 - 5:30pm - 6:30pm at BYT...   Give us a bell if you need to know more 01282 427767


Sunday, 30 October 2011

Trapped - a new play for our Junior Children - auditions TUESDAY

On Tuesday at 5.00pm we have an audition for a new play TRAPPED.  This is a play about a young boy trapped inside a computer game. There's loads of characters for children in year 2,3,4,5 and 6. Come along!  See you there. 


People, we are a Building. People, we are an organisation. People, we are a youth theatre.


Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Making not Watching and the art of generosity. A cautionary tale...

We want to develop a youth theatre where all young people have the opportunity to create theatre as well as the opportunity to watch it.  As part of our successful NPO bid we have been asked to develop BYT as a receiving theatre.  This means that as well as offering young people the opportunity to participate, we are also looking for young people (and their families) to become an audience.  It has occurred to me - slowly as I am actually quite dim some times - that these are not necessarily the same thing. Young people who want to perform are not necessarily the same as young people who want to watch theatre...

Some years ago - well back in the beginning of time when I had escaped teaching and was living the life of the artist starving in the garret and actually having a good laugh getting reviews in The Independent,
 'Comic duo, Say So, sweating profusely under the lights,...'
if that counts -  I began to realise that as funny as we were (well, as funny as Carmen Walton, my comedy partner was) we were not going to be the next French and Saunders because all of the people who came to our shows (with the honourable exception of the poor bloke we dragged off Newton Street into the Frog and Bucket - imagine his startled face as we began our 'hilarious' routine) harboured the desire to be who we were, and to make their own work. All of them were, like ourselves, interested in what other people were doing, and occasionally even bought their wares but all of them, like ourselves, were actually more interested in making our own work.  We sold 500 books and thought we were someone.  We were someone - just not quite who we imagined ourselves to be.  We were on radio one with Mark and Lard.  We were regulars on local radio, finding new and inventive ways to steal our BBC passes as we left... I had 20 at one point. We sat in the green room with The Two Fat Ladies (and YES you could tell the difference.)  We laughed when we saw the soft shoes of a famous news reader... and in the end we just came to an end, in the way of all things.

We also shamed ourselves on a number of occasions during performances - we were bad for each other in that sense.  I famously fell over in Mid Pennines offices - I was out of control! I regularly corpsed (a problem that plagues me to this day) and on at least one occasion I regret being less than generous watching a poet who was using an orange in her set to symbolise a planet whilst wearing ski boots - this seemed inextricably hilarious at the time and we were barking with laughter and had to be removed from the room. We knew we were out of order, and we behaved badly.  What goes around comes around.

This was in the days before You Tube.  This was when you had to go out to hear what was going on in the world, and where the audience was largely tolerant because soon enough they would be up there delivering their own work.

It is a very different landscape now but I still have this sneaking suspicion that the urge to create your own work is at least equal to the urge to watch other people's. I wonder how often any of us really take time to watch and consider the work of those who are around us?  Yes, I visit the theatre regularly, and yes I read books, but which predominates - watching or making?  Perhaps it is different for different people? I don’t know the answers to these questions, I am merely posing them.  How do I encourage our young people to come and see work here, even if it is not quite to their taste?

At the youth theatre, we are developing a policy of positively encouraging the young people to watch other work. This is underpinned by the belief that you do not necessarily develop your theatre skills in the isolation of the rehearsal room.  Our notions of what constitutes theatre - what it is and what it can be - is shaped by what we see as well as what we experience.   Burnley is NOT a cultural oasis but many theatre companies don't necessarily seek us out as a venue even though we are the perfect size to house new and interesting work, and even though we are working towards doing just that. We want to offer our young people the opportunity to see work that might otherwise go unseen, to challenge what they understand as theatre and encourage them to take risks with their own work.  Nothing amazing was ever produced in a comfort zone. This does not just mean watching live theatre - both within our own space and on trips to other buildings - this term we have hosted Contact Theatre, M6 Theatre, and in a couple of weeks, we’ll be showing Red Riding Hood by Horse and Bamboo but directing young people to clips on You Tube or other websites where work is uploaded and demands attention and why we will be going to the Edinburgh festival again too.  Yes, sometimes work may be strange and unsettling, or perhaps not fully realised but to make theatre is to engage with a process of developing the best way of saying what needs to be said even if it falls short of what was imagined.

It is something else too.  We feel it as a deep and profound responsibility that we are charged with developing young artists - young people who are discerning about theatre, who are able to articulate what makes something good or bad, and who strive to make their own work original and challenging.  And equally, and no less important that they understand that they share that journey with many other artists and individuals some of whom have different talents to themselves, and who come from very different place or who strive for different meanings, and different ways of telling.  We are absolutely committed to the development of generosity.  If someone is wearing ski boots, and uses an orange as a prop it's okay to gently question the purpose of this, and suggest there might be a different way of working.

Ultimately, we feel that we have an immense role to support the young people who come to the youth theatre - the 450 who rock up week after week - to become fully engaging, thoughtful, passionate human beings.  Because in the end, whether you are making or watching theatre (or any of the arts) you are engaged in social action, political or non-political and that has a considerable consequence both now and in the future.  It is not easy.  Young people need to be convinced by the need to see other work - and this is a journey we are beginning to take.  We would welcome any suggestions about how we engage young people in this process.  I can’t make them come to see the work here - but I passionately want them to.

ps if you want a copy of 'Something Piggy and Unappealing' I still have a few hundred in the cellar.

Sunday, 16 October 2011


The Power of Social Networking

I’ve been puzzling a while about Social networking.  So, firstly – I’ll explain where we are, and then my thoughts on why we’re not quite where I want us to be…and how we might get there.  In the last month or so, after it stalled, I’ve been working really hard to encourage people to like our Facebook page… I’ve managed to persuade very nearly 200 people in that time to like the page.  Well, I want to get to 500 likes in a Fortnight.  Is it possible?  What can you do to help?

Read on, Macduff. 


Social networking…

We know that social networking, and digital content are crucial to our success and our future development.

We have leapt forward exponentially as an organisation and are now active on many social networking sites, and are becoming more savvy about how to use these platforms can enhance the experience of the young people within the organisation, and how people can find out more about us and stay involved – in the conversation, in shaping the future, in having their say about what we’re doing now, and what we might do in the future.   

We can be found on Twitter @BurnleyYT – and if you’re on Twitter you can sign in and follow this blog easily enough.  We’re on Facebook – like us
Or go and take a look at our photos on Flickr

If you know or have any ideas about the best way to develop social networking and the best ways of contacting you, let us know.  We’re all ears. 

Social Network Archive…

We are working our way through uploading our archive.  This is a difficult job!  Burnley Youth Theatre came into being in 1973 – that’s almost 40 years of photos, posters, films, press releases and so on and so forth.  But bit-by-bit, more of our archive goes up.  More recent, digital stuff is easier to share.  But a lot of photos have been scanned and are ready to go – but all of this is done in my spare time, pretty much so given that I’m quite busy this is sometimes the thing that gets squeezed out.   If you’ve got any photographs you want to share, or any memories, please go to our Facebook page and share this with us…

Connecting other groups…

Ollie Briggs (who is fab and who I connected with on Twitter) is working with us to develop an Internet tool so that we can have an online conversation with other groups about the content of pieces and maybe in the future an online festival of work!   This will be purpose built and will give a forum to extend the conversation of in this case, a devising process.  The site will be limited to those involved at the moment (groups from Bury and Darwen are working with us on this) so that it’s a closed conversation.   This is a really exciting development, and I think has untold potential within the youth theatre as a whole, and in developing us as a hub of youth theatre practice. If you’d like to take part in this conversation let us know… In the meantime, we’re pleased to hear from all of our friends and chatting to them about possibilities… get in touch…

Digital Content…

We are ambitious about developing content.  This year, in Edinburgh, our young people returned enthused by the possibilities of projection and we will be using projection within our Christmas show for the first time this year.  This is a particularly exciting development – and we’re pleased to be working with the genius that is Anthony Briggs (no relation to Ollie, although being called Briggs clearly helps!) to support it happening.  

We know that film, projection, and digital stuff is easy to generate, and we’re brave enough to share rehearsals and raw content on our You Tube.  There’s some very edited material there, but also improvisations from the Rep Company, and footage from our recent trip to Shakespeare’s Globe…
Today at a fundraising event we were using camera, flip camera and a hd video camera... And this is a regular thing for us...

WHERE I WANT US TO BE (and what you can do about it)

So, here’s what I really want to talk about.  We are open minded about possibilities through content and through sharing our ideas, thoughts, and in trying to advertise what is happening at the youth theatre at any given time.   But I am acutely conscious that we are not making full use of the networks open to us.   And it has taken me a really long time to work out why…

People don’t always use their social networking pages for very much at all.  Why should they? They use them to connect with their buddies, to check up on family – as a means of chatting to school friends (and sometimes arguing) or whatever, as a means of belonging to a particular social group.  My experience this year has suggested that people generally don’t see their social network as more than a single collection of people. Their people. I think, and I could be wrong, that for a lot of people – and particularly young people, social networking is about reaching out and belonging.  It’s not about the network (s) in and of itself.  It’s not about the possibility of that network (or indeed the networks of each of their 130 friends.) 

Without trying to sound like some young and funky thing, anyone who knows me knows that I am a massive fan of social networking tools, and an equally massive fan of gadgets. I was among the first wave of iPhone users (still the best design in my view), and am, and have always been, interested in the power of the network. Networks can change the world.  Long before social networking pages on the Net, campaigns operated a ‘phone tree’ to generate a quick call to action.  Each person on the list might ring an additional two people, and they might ring two and then 100 people would be standing in a demonstration stopping something terrible happening… that’s how social networks worked then and that’s when they worked effectively. And that’s the principle I am interested in looking at now.

Networks are everything; the means by which we extend, expand and grow – how we connect to others and how they connect to us.  Long before the social networking tool was created, networks existed.  Networks are made of people or places that are tied together by one (or a number) of ‘interdependencies’ (Wiki, accessed 16th October 2011) – and each of us has many: family, friends, school, interests, work, beliefs, or knowledge, for example.

Without trying to sound exploitative, I make use of my Facebook network (I have 2, a work and a personal one).  75 of my Facebook friends like BYT’s Facebook page. This is about a 5th of my friends, and they do it because I ask them to.  I am convinced of the value of them knowing about what we are doing EVEN if they live miles away and are never likely to come to the youth theatre. Why?  Because people will then know about what we are doing, and about who we are and maybe reconsider youth theatre.

An average Facebook user has 130 friends – if all the young people, ex-participants, workers, volunteers and interested others who currently 'like' us and that are already connected to us asked a 5th of their friends to like our Facebook page 9,984 (based on 384 currently liking the page) would immediately like us.   This means that almost 10,000 people would know about the professional shows that we have on at BYT, for example or learn about projects or access other information about us.  Why is this important?  Even if no one ever comes to the show, they see details of what we do and our profile is immediately raised.  So, why not ask your friends to like out page?  And then ask them again?  Offer them a link.  Make it easy for people to support us in this way.  Explain why it is important to you.  Explain why it is important to us.  The more people who know about us, connect with us, communicate with us, the better argument we can make to our supporters that we are what we say we are – a vibrant youth theatre serving a wide community.   And the more likely we are to be able to explain what we do to funding bodies.
And this is another thing.  If a 5th of people like the Facebook page – that still leaves 104 (on average) that don’t.   What should we do about them?  Well, once a week maybe, you could share a story from BYT on your newsfeed.  If you did this, based on the average number of Facebook friends, an additional 40,144 people would see stories about us.  Can you see why it matters?  40,000 people hear about us, see that we’re a vibrant, busy organisation… and just think if they shared it – well you do the maths!   And if you simply see this as advertising exercise – it’s colossally powerful and saves us huge amounts of money.  If we printed 40,000 leaflets this would cost £500 for each set.  If stories were shared as described every week we would actually be benefitting from about £26,000 a year of free advertising!  It’s amazing!

This would be more than just extraordinary advertising for us.   This would be an extraordinary raising of our profile.  This would mean that people would find out about us who might never have known about us.  It means that we can really start being what we are charged with – a hub of youth theatre activity, a small venue catering for small and medium sized touring shows, a really high profile arts company with an effective socially networking process.

This is just one thought about social networking.  I have many.  Just one way of looking at it…what do you think?  I'm not suggesting this is it's only use either...

We are keen to know your thoughts.  Whoever you are, wherever you are.  I sometimes think the social network thing is all smoke and mirrors, and I’d be better off buying Karen Barnes a mega-phone and sending her down town on a Saturday to tell people what we’re up to. (To be fair, she doesn’t actually need the mega-phone…)

Do social networking sites work?
You tell me.  Better still – show me.  Who says we can’t get to 500 likes on our Facebook page in a fortnight?